Lab 25

Dr. Arturo Bouzas Riaño





Dr. Arturo Bouzas obtained his B.A. in Psychology at UNAM in 1967. He has an M.S. in Clinical Psychology from the State University of New York at Stony Brook, where he worked in Howard Rachlin's laboratory, with Leonard Green and Gene Heyman. During that time, his interests shifted from the clinical to the experimental area. He obtained his PhD in Experimental Psychology from Harvard University in 1976, for his work on contingencies in instrumental behavior, which he performed at the Pigeon Lab, advised by Dr. Richard Herrnstein.

After completing his PhD, his interest in the biological processes of behaviour directed him to a post doctoral position in animal behaviour at Toronto University (1977-1978) where he stayed as associate researcher until 1980.

Upon returning to Mexico, he incorporated as a faculty member at the School of Psychology at UNAM, which he directed from 1997 to 2001. Afterwards, he was a visiting professor at the University of California, San Diego.

He is currently a full-time tenured professor, part of the National System of Researchers (second level) and currently holds the Ezequiel A. Chavez special chair.

Research interests

He's interested in the Adaptation of Behavior to the statistical properties of biologically important environments. His current lines of research include: Choice Behaviour, Behavioural Economics, Probability Learning, Intertemporal Choice, Game Theory and Bayesian Cognitive modeling.

Selected publications