Carlos Velázquez
I am interested in how human and non human animals learn about the structure of changing environments. Particularly, how this might be modelled through reinforcement learning algorithms and, ultimately, the neural mechanisms to implement them.
- Velázquez, C. & Bouzas, A. (July 2018) Velocity of change in the environment in the delta-rule model of reinforcement. 51st Society for Mathematical Psychology & 16th International Conference on Cognitive Modelling Meetings; Madison, Wisconsin - USA. - (PDF).
- Velázquez, C. (November 2017) Predicción en entornos con cambios graduales (Predictions on gradually changing environments) - (PDF).
- Carlos Alan Velázquez Vargas (2018), "Velocidad de cambio del entorno en el modelo clásico de reforzamiento" (Change of speed in the classical model of reinforcement). -Thesis / B.A. in Psychology- (PDF).
- Velazquez, C. Villarreal, M. & Bouzas, A. (2019) Velocity estimation in reinforcement learning. bioRxiv, 432492; Computational Brain & Behavior (Source - Preprint (PDF)).
- Villareal, M., Velázquez,C., Baroja, J. L., Segura, A., Bouzas, A. & Lee, M.D. (2019) Bayesian methods applied to the generalized matching law. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior (Preprint (PDF)).