Adriana Felisa Chávez De la Peña
Click here for my Full CV (English)
I'm also working on my Personal GitHub page!
Hola! My name is Adriana Felisa Chávez De la Peña (Adriana is fine ;) ) and I got my B.A in Psychology (with honors) working at Lab25.
As a psychologist, I'm interested in studying the general rules that control Behavior and the Cognitive processes behind them. My main fields of interest are Bayesian Cognitive Modeling (specially in terms of Perceptual processes), Psychophysics and Psychometrics.
Since 2015, I've been the one member of Lab25 who's interested in perceptual decission making. I've worked with Signal Detection Theory ever since I got in the Lab, developing a few tutorials on the subject, as well as graphical simulators (mainly on Python and RShiny) and some templates for data analysis in R.
Besides of conducting research, my passion for Experimental Psychology is reflected in a huge interest on teaching. I've worked as a T.A. for several courses given by Dr Bouzas, and I've given a few independent courses.
Since 2016, I've been the head student of one of the main projects at Lab25, where we've developed a bunch of materials for students enrolled in Dr' Bouzas' courses, so they can get a better understanding of the main mathematical and statistical models built within Experimental Psychology to explain a variety of behavioral phenomena. These materials are available for download, but can also be explored online as RShiny apps.
From May to December, 2018, I worked at the National Institute for Educational Evaluation doing a bunch of interesting stuff, (I learned a lot about Test development there!)
- Chávez, A.F., (November 2016) The Mirror effect within perception: Not another recognition memory study. At the Object, Perception, Attention and Memory 24th Annual Meeting, Boston, MA - (PDF).
- Zamora-Arévalo, Pérez-Calzada, Chávez-De la Peña & Morales-Medina (November 2018) The Role of Pre-Feeding on Temporal Discrimination: An Analysis With Signal Detection. At the Psychonomic Society 2018 Meeting, New Orleans, Luisiana - (PDF).
- Chávez De la Peña, A.F., Lee, M. D. & Bouzas, A. (July 2019) Bayesian Cognitive and Statistical Modeling Applied to Signal Detection Theory and the Mirror Effect in a Perceptual Task At the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Society for Mathematical Psychology, Montreal, Canada - (PDF).
- Pérez-Calzada, M., Chávez De la Peña, A.F., García-Martínez, M., Vanegas-Chavarría, M. & Zamora-Arévalo, O. (September 2019) Assessing Retrospective Memory: Temporal Sequences and Delays At the III Neurobiology Meeting of the Mexican Society for Biochemistry, Guanajuato, Guanajuato.
- Zamora-Arévalo, Vanegas, M., Pérez-Calzada, M., Chávez-De la Peña & García, M. (October 2019) Discrimination of Temporal Sequences and Retention Intervals At Timing Research Forum, Querétaro, Querétaro.
- Pérez-Calzada, M., Chávez De la Peña, A.F., García-Martínez, M., Vanegas-Chavarría, M. & Zamora-Arévalo, O. (November 2019) Evaluando memoria retrospectiva: secuencias temporales con intervalos de retención (Assessing retrospective memory: temporal sequences with retention intervals) At Seminario Internacional de Conducta y Aplicaciones, Guadalajara, Jalisco.
- Chávez, A.F. (November 2017) El Efecto Espejo en Percepción: No es otro estudio de Memoria de Reconocimiento (The Mirror Effect within perception: Not another Recognition Memory study) - (PDF).
- Conzuelo-Serrato, S. & Chávez, A.F. (November 2019) Formación y reflexión docente: Un estudio de caso en educación primaria en México () at the VII Coloquio de la Red Iberoamericana de Investigadores sobre Evaluación de la Docencia (RIIED)
- Conzuelo-Serrato, S., Chávez De la Peña, A.F. & Zárate Ramírez, L.R. (November 2019) El diagnóstico cognitivo como elemento de análisis de la práctica docente en la educación primaria en México () at the XV Congreso Nacional de Investigación Educativa
- Adriana Felisa Chávez De la Peña (2018), "Estudios con Detección de Señales" (Studies on Signal Detection). -Thesis / B.A. in Psychology- (PDF).
T.A. in:
- "Aprendizaje y Conducta Adaptativa I" ("Learning and Adaptative Behaviour")
- "Aprendizaje, Motivación y Cognición III" ("Learning, Motivation and Cognition III")
- "Taller de Investigación y Docencia I, II & III" ("Research and Teaching Workshop I, II & III")
- Introduction to statistical thinking - UNAM
- Introduction to bayesian cognitive modeling
- A virtual laboratory on Python
- I'm in charge of LabVirtual25, en extension for the present site created to provide students of Dr. Bouzas a platform for practicing and getting a better understanding on mathematical models in psychology