Manuel Villarreal
B.A. in Psycholy from UNAM. Currently working on learning in two persons zero sum games and optimal experimental desing in perception of change in probabilistic environments.
Research interests
I'm interested in Game Theory, Reinforcement learning, Perception, Memory, Bayesian Cognitive modeling, Optimal experimental desing, mathematical models in psycology, among others.
- Villarreal, M. & Bouzas, A. (November 2016) Transitions in 2x2 zero-sum games. At the 37th Annual Conference for the Society for Judgement and Decision Making, Boston, MA - (PDF).
- Bouzas, A., Segura, A., Baroja, J. L. & Villarreall, M. (May 2016) Dynamic Choice in Concurrent Random Interval - Random Ratio Schedules. At the Society for the Quantitative Analyses of Behavior, 39th Annual Meeting, Chicago, Illinois - (PDF).
- Villareal, M. (November 2017) Diseño de Experimentos por Simulación: Un ejemplo en detección de cambios (Optimal experimental design through simmulations: An applied example to change perception).
- Manuel Villareal Ulloa (2017), "Transiciones en juegos 2 x 2" (Transitions on 2x2 games) -Thesis / B.A. in Psychology- (PDF).
- Villareal, M., Velázquez,C., Baroja, J. L., Segura, A., Bouzas, A. & Lee, M.D. (2019) Bayesian methods applied to the generalized matching law. Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior (Preprint (PDF)).
- Velazquez, C. Villarreal, M. & Bouzas, A. (2019) Velocity estimation in reinforcement learning. bioRxiv, 432492; Computational Brain & Behavior (Source - Preprint (PDF)).
- Introduction to Game Theory